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人民日报重要影响 ;人民日报公告部
People's daily important influence on people's Daily Bulletin department;
People's daily as the mouthpiece of the party and the government, as the Chinese foreign cultural exchange important window, as show the vigorous development of Chinese socialist new stage, the people's daily positive publicity the party and the government's policy, the true record of Chinese society each droplet changes, timely reports on China is undergoing profound changes. At the same time, people's daily, fully reflect the will of the masses from all walks of life, the timely exchange of information, at the same time the world pay close attention to amidst the winds of change, objective and accurate coverage of international news. People's daily as promoting China's socialist modernization construction and the promotion of world peace and development, and played an important, outstanding, irreplaceable role, got the height of Party and government must. Since 60 years, the people's Daily Times worthy and people of hundreds of millions of ordinary Chinese people, has been a high degree of trust and high praise and trust of the international community.
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