People's daily ( newspaper):
People's daily ( People's Daily ) is the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party organ. By June 15, 1948," Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei daily" ( its predecessor in 1937October in Hebei province county pilot, in December 11th the same year was officially inaugurated the" enemy" report,1938April upgraded to CPC Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border area Party Committee organ, November 7, 1940," the enemy" was renamed" Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei daily" ) and the shansi-hopei-shantung-honan" people's Daily" (founded in May 15, 1946in Hebei, Handan, at that time is the Communist Party of China the shansi-hopei-shantung-honan Central Bureau official newspaper, July 1, 1946, Chairman Mao personally wrote the" people's Daily" four word of the packet header. ) Merger of the North China Bureau of CPC organ" people's Daily" in Hebei Province, the publication of Comrade Mao Zedong village, began to use second as the people's daily wrote the header. On March 15, 1949, the people's daily moved to Beijing (then Peking ). In August 1st the same year, the decision of the CPC Central Committee will be the people's daily to the Communist Party of China Central Committee organ, and follows the June 15, 1948issue.
人民日报广告;版面广告价格咨询15010435351 张经理
人民日报登报;传真:010-67690203 邮箱:qgw2012@126.com
◆遗失声明 ◆招聘广告 ◆工商形象广告 ◆-软文广告 ◆-夹报广告 ◆中缝广告◆企业咨询 ◆出租转让 ◆招商合作 ◆楼盘广告 ◆企业公告→注销公告→减资公告→清算公告→变更公告→拍卖公告→拆迁公告→迁坟公告→破产公告→歇业公告→股权转让公告→债权催收公告→个体改制公告→ 开业公告→法院公告
人民日报(People's Daily)是中国共产党中央委员会机关报。1948年6月15日,由《晋察冀日报》(其前身是1937年10月在河北省阜平县试办,同年12月11日正式创刊的《抗敌报》,1938年4月升格为中共晋察冀边区党委的机关报,1940年11月7日,《抗敌报》改名为《晋察冀日报》)和晋冀鲁豫《人民日报》(1946年5月15日创刊于河北邯郸,当时是中共晋冀鲁豫中央局机关报,1946年7月1日,毛主席亲笔题写了“人民日报”四个字的报头。)合并而成的中共华北局机关报《人民日报》在河北省平山县里庄创刊,开始使用毛泽东同志第二次为人民日报题写的报头。1949年3月15日,人民日报迁入北京(当时的北平)。同年8月1日,中共中央决定将人民日报转为中国共产党中央委员会机关报,并沿用了1948年6月15日的期号。 |